Each 50km(Trail) & 100km(Trail) racer must carry below mandatory gears at all times during the race. For the sake of safety to all the racers, random gear checks will be performed during the physical race. Any racer without the mandatory gears will not be able to proceed until they arrange for the missing item to be replaced.

• 72km(Trail) racers: headlamps or torches (mobile phone lamps are not accepted as substitutes)

• Mobile phone in working order with charged battery (*The phone number must be the same as the one you provided for the registration. If not, please update the organizer by email)

• Bib (*PROVIDED BY THE ORGANISER IN YOUR RACE PACK and must be visible at the front during the race.)

• 350ml water

• Utensils (including cup or bottle for water replenishment. There will be no cups provided at the checkpoints/water point)

• Respect & be polite to crew, volunteers and other racers

• The above requirements may be amended by the organizer, including adding madatory gears, depending on weather condition. Kindly stay tuned to the latest update from us.